Stacks Image 46499

Planetary Nebula FPJ1824-0319 in Serpens

Stacks Image 46503

IC 1287 in Scutum

Stacks Image 46483

Planetary nebula PN G136.7+61.9 and NGC 4194, The medusa galaxy

Stacks Image 46487

WR134 region in Cygnus

Stacks Image 46491

The Heart and Soul Nebula

Stacks Image 46467

Planetary Nebula StDr47 in Hydra

Stacks Image 46471

Possible planetary nebula or ISM nebula PaHa1

Stacks Image 46475

Patchick Elmore 1 (PaEl 1)

Stacks Image 46451

NGC 559 and a super nova remnant

Stacks Image 46455

Planetary Nebula Candidate StDr55

Stacks Image 46459

Planetary Nebula Abell 7 in Lepus

Stacks Image 46435

Likely Planetary Nebula Patchick 165 in Pegasus

Stacks Image 46439

The emission nebula of NGC 4236

Stacks Image 46443

Globular cluster M15 with background Ha emission

Stacks Image 46419

Potential Plantetary Nebula FP J1912-0331

Stacks Image 46423

StDr Object 13 in Serpens

Stacks Image 46427

Planetary Nebula candidate Hu 7 in Cygnus

Stacks Image 46399

IC 59 and IC 63 (Ghost of Cassiopeia)

Stacks Image 46403

Potential Planetary Nebula
Pa J0637.4+3327 in Auriga

Stacks Image 46413

Ellis, Grayson, Bond 6. (EGB 6)
Planetary Nebula in Leo

Stacks Image 46383

Seeing the unseen
Region around star PG 2246+103

Stacks Image 46387

Dark Nebula along the Cassiopeia/Camelopardalis border

Stacks Image 46391

Fr 2-2 in Cetus

Stacks Image 46363

M104, The Sombrero Galaxy in Virgo

Stacks Image 46367

Strottner/Drechsler 119/120

Stacks Image 46371

Beautiful Cygnus

Stacks Image 46347

Planetary nebula Abell 34 in Hydra

Stacks Image 46351

Potential Planetary Nebula PaRasMoMi-1 in Monoceros

Stacks Image 46355

FR 2-10 in Libra

Stacks Image 46331

Planetary Nebula Kronberger 131

Stacks Image 46335

NGC 4395.

Stacks Image 46339

Abell 35 in Hydra

Stacks Image 46315

Starburst Galaxy M82

Stacks Image 46319

The Heart in Monoceros (StDr44)

Stacks Image 46323

NGC 2346

Stacks Image 46299

A fiery Bubble and Planetary Nebula in Cassiopeia

Stacks Image 46303

Potential Planetary Nebula FR 2-23

Stacks Image 46307

Candidate Planetary Nebula, Patchick-Strottner-Drechsler 6

Stacks Image 46283

Heckathorn-Fesen-Gull 1 (HFG1) in Cassiopeia

Stacks Image 46287

The Shark Nebula in Cepheus

Stacks Image 46291

The Helping Hand Nebula with VdB7 and VdB9

Stacks Image 46267

WR134, a Wolf-Rayet Bubble in Cygnus

Stacks Image 46271

Sh2-136 "The Ghost Nebula"

Stacks Image 46275

Potential Planetary Nebula Fr 2-30 in Andromeda

Stacks Image 46251

Sharpless 2-129 and planetary nebula Ou4 in HOO color pallet

Stacks Image 46255

Galaxy NGC 6240 in Ophiuchus

Stacks Image 46259

Planetary Nebula Patchick 5

Stacks Image 46233

Planetary nebula Abell 39

Stacks Image 46237

M108 (NGC3557)

Stacks Image 46241

NGC 4361 in Corvus

Stacks Image 46217

Interacting Galaxies NGC 3169 and 3166

Stacks Image 46221

Ancient Planetary Nebula FR 2-25, AlvKn1 in Monoceros

Stacks Image 46225

ARP 84, NGC 5394 and 5395

Stacks Image 46201

IC348, LBN 749 star forming region in Perseus

Stacks Image 46205

Sh2-308, The Dolphin Nebula

Stacks Image 46209

Star forming region Sh2-239

Stacks Image 46187

The Double Cluster in Perseus

Stacks Image 46189

Globular Cluster Palomar 13

Stacks Image 46193

Sharpless 2-82 in Sagitta

Stacks Image 46162

Star Dust around 47 Arietis

Stacks Image 46166

NGC 1514 in Taurus

Stacks Image 46172

Out on a Wing Part 2

Stacks Image 46146

Sharpless 2-187 in Cassiopeia

Stacks Image 46150

Dust and reflection nebula in Aries

Stacks Image 46154

Abell 78, Planetary Nebula in Cygnus

Stacks Image 46130


Stacks Image 46134

NGC 6822 Barnard's Galaxy

Stacks Image 46138

The border of Cassiopeia and Cepheus

Stacks Image 46114

A night of reflection over Blue Lake Calif

Stacks Image 46118

A Ghost in Virgo, Abell 36

Stacks Image 46122

Sh2-112 in Ha, First light with ASI6200 Camera

Stacks Image 46080

NGC 1999 in Orion

Stacks Image 46084

M97, The Owl Nebula

Stacks Image 46088

Out on a Wing, NGC 2327

Stacks Image 46064

NGC 1333 in Perseus

Stacks Image 46068

Comet C/2017 T2 Panstarrs and the Double Cluster

Stacks Image 46072

NGC 1333 taken with the 4 m Mayhill telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO)

Stacks Image 46048

NGC 6559/Sh2-29

Stacks Image 46052

VDB24 in Perseus

Stacks Image 46056

The Raspberry Nebula in Orion

Stacks Image 46096

NGC 7822

Stacks Image 46100

Messier 33

Stacks Image 46106

LBN 438

Stacks Image 46016

Messier 104 The Sombrero Galaxy

Stacks Image 46020

A Tulip in Cygnus and Cygnus X-1

Stacks Image 46024

VdB 123 and the Serpens molecular cloud

Stacks Image 46004

Messier 13

Stacks Image 46000

Messier 12

Stacks Image 46008

Planetary Nebula Abell 33

Stacks Image 45978

Messier 5

Stacks Image 45982

Abell 1656, The Coma Cluster

Stacks Image 45988

Messier 92

Stacks Image 45962

M44 The Beehive Cluster

Stacks Image 45966

M78 in Orion Re-processed image taken in Jan -Feb 2015

Stacks Image 45970

Globular Cluster Messier 3

Stacks Image 45946

Reprocessed version of Sharpless 2-290

Stacks Image 45950

The area around IC 348 in Perseus

Stacks Image 45954

NGC 2403

Stacks Image 45930

Sharpness 2-115 in Cygnus

Stacks Image 45934

The dusty nebula LDN 1495 part of the Taurus molecular cloud

Stacks Image 45938

Emission Nebula Sh2-263,Sh2-265 and Reflection nebula VdB 38

Stacks Image 45914

Into the heart of NGC 6914

Stacks Image 45918

The Milky Way from the 2018 Okie Tex Star Party

Stacks Image 45922

M76 within clouds of Ha

Stacks Image 45898

Near the core of the Milky Way

Stacks Image 45902

Cygnus to Sagittarius

Stacks Image 45906


Stacks Image 45880

NGC 5466 in Bootes

Stacks Image 45884

The Leo Trio

Stacks Image 45886

IC 4592

Stacks Image 45860

NGC 2170

Stacks Image 45864

NGC 2282

Stacks Image 45870

A Rose and a Cone in Monoceros

Stacks Image 45844

Barnard 30-31 region in Orion

Stacks Image 45848

The flaming star nebula (IC405) and IC420 in Auriga

Stacks Image 45852

NGC 4565

Stacks Image 45828

IC360/LBN 777

Stacks Image 45832
Star forming region IC 348 in Perseus
Stacks Image 45836

LBN 437 in Lacerta

Stacks Image 45812

The Okie Tex Star Party

Stacks Image 45816

The flying bat and squid nebula

Stacks Image 45820


Stacks Image 45798

NGC 2506

Stacks Image 45800

Sharpness Nebula’s Sh2-87 and Sh2-88

Stacks Image 45804

The Great American Eclipse of 2017

Stacks Image 45778

Rho Ophiuchus region from TSP 17

Stacks Image 45782

NGC 5364

Stacks Image 45786


Stacks Image 45762

NGC 2440

Stacks Image 45766

NGC 5529

Stacks Image 45770

Dark Nebula LDN 673

Stacks Image 45746


Stacks Image 45750

NGC 3372, Eta Carina

Stacks Image 45754

Markarian’s Chain

Stacks Image 45730

NGC 246

Stacks Image 45734

The Medusa Nebula (Abel 21)

Stacks Image 45738

Reflection Nebula in Monoceros (IC 2167,2169)

Stacks Image 45714

VDB 152

Stacks Image 45718

Iris Nebula

Stacks Image 45722

Messier 33

Stacks Image 45698

IC 4601

Stacks Image 45702

NGC 6888 the Crescent Nebula region

Stacks Image 45706

LBN 438

Stacks Image 45680

The Very Long Baseline Array antenna, FT Davis Texas.

Stacks Image 45684

DSLR Milky Way images from the 2016 Stellarvue Dark Sky Party

Stacks Image 45690

Rho Ophiuchi Nebula from the 2016 Stellarvue Dark Sky Party

Stacks Image 41564

NGC 6946

Stacks Image 45653

NGC 5139 (Omega Centauri)

Stacks Image 45672

Centaurus A

Stacks Image 33479

LDN 1622

Stacks Image 37499


Stacks Image 41537


Stacks Image 18568

A Whale and Hockey Stick

Stacks Image 22505

The Rosette Nebula

Stacks Image 26476

The Cone and Foxfur nebula

Stacks Image 10909

Reflection nebula on the border of Aries, Perseus and Taurus

Stacks Image 14674

NGC 1788 in Orion

Stacks Image 10911

IC 2087

Stacks Image 5603

Sh2-106 Wide Field image

Stacks Image 5635

Sh2-155 Cave Nebula region

Stacks Image 5638

The Veil Nebula

Stacks Image 5460

The Milky Way from TSP 15
Canon 5D

Stacks Image 5511

NGC 6914

Stacks Image 5520

Sharpless 2-73

Stacks Image 5385

M4 taken from the Texas Star Party

Stacks Image 5452

Milky Way Mosaic from TSP 15

Stacks Image 5448

Rho Ophiuchus from TSP 15
Canon 60Da

Stacks Image 5298

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy A collection of images

Stacks Image 5337

M78 and surrounding area

Stacks Image 5302

The Rosette Nebula

Stacks Image 5108

Spiral Galaxy M33

Stacks Image 5286

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy 21 Jan 15

Stacks Image 5164

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy

Stacks Image 5026

Wide Field Image centered in Cassiopeia Showing the Cass A supernova remnant

Stacks Image 5078

The Heart Nebula taken at the Chiefland star party 2014 with a Canon 60Da and SV60 telescope

Stacks Image 5053

180 deg mosaic of the observing field during the Chiefland fall star party 2014

Stacks Image 4881

Sharpless 119, Sh2-119

Stacks Image 4948

Sharpless 142
The Wizard Nebula

Stacks Image 4938

Sharpless 132, Sh2-132

Stacks Image 4747

Milky Way Panorama from the Observing Field at the 2014 Stellarvue Dark Sky Party

Stacks Image 4820

The Propeller Nebula, DWB 111

Stacks Image 4751

The Prawn Nebula, 2014 Stellarvue Dark Sky Party

Stacks Image 4672

Rho Ophichius Nebula Complex from 2014 Stellarvue Dark Sky Party

Stacks Image 4720

Mosaic image of M8 and M20 from the Stellarvue Dark Sky Party 2014

Stacks Image 4676

Comet C2012K1 Panstarrs from the Stellarvue Dark Sky Party

Stacks Image 4581

Rho Ophichius nebula complex

Stacks Image 4626

Milky Way panorama from the Stellarvue Dark Sky Star Party Jun 14

Stacks Image 4585

Wide Field of the M8/M20 region within the Milky Way

Stacks Image 4487

Images from the Mid South Star Gaze
French Camp, MS March 14

Stacks Image 4548

NGC 5139 Omega Centauri

Stacks Image 4538

NGC 7023 The Iris Nebula

Stacks Image 4353

M 42, The Great Orion Nebula
6 filter composite

Stacks Image 4446

NGC 3184

Stacks Image 4357

Abell 33, Planetary Nebula in Hydra

Stacks Image 1900

NGC 2264 region within Monoceros

Stacks Image 4339

Sh2-290/Abell 31

Stacks Image 1904

Beacons in the dust (NGC 1333)