LBN 438
About this object
LBN 438 is a galactic dark nebula located in the constellation Lacerta. It is illuminated by interstellar radiation which is known as Extended Red Emission (ERE). LBN 438 is listed a an ionized HII region but has limited Ha signal. There is a multitude of dust in this area and off to the left and area of red hydrogen emission. This image was taken under the dark skies of the Okie Tex Star Party in late Sep 2016
Image Details
- Optics : Stellarvue SVS 130 refractor
- Mount: Paramount MYT
- Camera: STL11K
- Filters: Custom Scientific
- Exposure: LRGB: 180:140:80:100
- Camera/Mount Control: The Sky X, CCD Auto Pilot 5
- Guiding: Unguided using ProTrack
- Processing: PixInsight 1.8,
- Location: Okie Tex Star Party Kenton OK
- Date: Sep 2016