Equipment and Software
My current mount is a Software Bisque Paramount MYT. This mount is extremely stable and has excellent periodic error (2.3 arc sec measured) (.93 arcsec corrected) and can handle up to 50lbs of scope and accessories. I have this mount installed in my domed observatory in my backyard.
(NEW Feb 12) The roll off observatory has been retired to visual only. See my new “Observatory” page.
Mounted on the SVX 152T below, is a Eagle3 Pro computer. The Eagle 3 Pro controls all observatory functions including the mount, camera, scope, filter wheel, dome and flat panel. It's accessible via its own wireless network or through my local network via Remote Desktop.
Stellarvue SVX152T refractor on the Paramount MYT with the new ZWO ASI 6200 CMOS camera and 7 position filter wheel
I am currently using the ZWO ASI 6200 35mm format CMOS camera camera with broad and narrow band Chroma 50mm filters on the SVX 152T and my older QSI 583WSG on other scopes.
For traveling I have a Astrotrac portable pier system which is used with a Canon 60Da/6D modified DSLR cameras and several lenses. This system provides extremely nice wide field views of the sky.
I currently use the following software:
The SkyX (Planetarium, image acquisition, focusing, and Observatory control)
CCD Autopilot (Automation)
Voyager (Automation with the ASI6200)
Astro MC (Dome Controller software from Foster Systems)
PixInsight (Image Processing)
Photoshop Creative Cloud (Image Processing)