Planetary Nebula candidate Hu 7 in Cygnus
Published 25 Sep 23
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Crop of Hu 7
Annotated image of the area surrounding Hu 7
About this object
Hu 7 is a planetary nebula candidate in the constellation Cygnus. It also goes by the designation PN G077.0+10.7. Hu 7 was discovered by Laurent Huet in January of 2019. It seems to have a Ha outer shell and a good amount of OIII signal in the center area. The planetary nebula candidate is roughly 6X4 arc minutes in diameter. The central star is a bit of a mystery as it isn't obvious in the image. It could be one of the much fainter stars in this area or its not visible. Professional spectra would figure that out. Surrounding Hu 7 are clouds of emission nebulosity, the brightest being in the lower right part of the image. Several catalogued PGC galaxies are on the left side of the image and many other uncatalogued galaxies throughout the image. The image is a result of 44hrs of exposure time through RGB Ha and OIII filters. I believe this is the second image of this object ever taken. The first was by Peter Goodhew:
Hu 7 is a planetary nebula candidate in the constellation Cygnus. It also goes by the designation PN G077.0+10.7. Hu 7 was discovered by Laurent Huet in January of 2019. It seems to have a Ha outer shell and a good amount of OIII signal in the center area. The planetary nebula candidate is roughly 6X4 arc minutes in diameter. The central star is a bit of a mystery as it isn't obvious in the image. It could be one of the much fainter stars in this area or its not visible. Professional spectra would figure that out. Surrounding Hu 7 are clouds of emission nebulosity, the brightest being in the lower right part of the image. Several catalogued PGC galaxies are on the left side of the image and many other uncatalogued galaxies throughout the image. The image is a result of 44hrs of exposure time through RGB Ha and OIII filters. I believe this is the second image of this object ever taken. The first was by Peter Goodhew:
Image Details
- Optics : Stellarvue SVX 152T refractor @f8 1200mm FL
- Mount: Paramount MYT
- Camera: ZWO ASI6200
- Filters: Chroma 50mm RGB, 5nmOIII, Astrodon 50mm 5nm Ha
- Exposure (min):RGBHaOIII 86:86:88:1200:1180, 44 hrs, 2x2 binning
- Automation Control: The Sky X, Voyager, PrimaluceLab Eagle 4
- Guiding: StarlightXpress Lodestar X2
- Processing Software: PixInsight, PS CC, Topaz Labs
- Location: Stark Bayou Observatory, Ocean Springs, MS
- Sky: Typical SQM 19.6-20.1, Bortle 5, Suburban
- Date: 8 Jun - 27 Jul 2023