M17 "The Swan Nebula"
About this object
The Omega Nebula, also known as the Swan Nebula, Checkmark Nebula, Lobster Nebula, and the Horseshoe Nebula[ (catalogued as Messier 17 or M17 and as NGC 6618) is an H II region in the constellation Sagittarius. It was discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1745. Charles Messier catalogued it in 1764. It is located in the rich starfields of the Sagittarius area of the Milky Way. This black and white image was done using a narrow filter that passes the light of ionized Hydrogen. A total of 6hrs of exposure time was used on M17.
The Omega Nebula, also known as the Swan Nebula, Checkmark Nebula, Lobster Nebula, and the Horseshoe Nebula[ (catalogued as Messier 17 or M17 and as NGC 6618) is an H II region in the constellation Sagittarius. It was discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1745. Charles Messier catalogued it in 1764. It is located in the rich starfields of the Sagittarius area of the Milky Way. This black and white image was done using a narrow filter that passes the light of ionized Hydrogen. A total of 6hrs of exposure time was used on M17.
Image Details
- Optics : Stellarvue SV115T Triplet Refractor with a SFF7-21 Field Flattener
- Mount: Mountain Instruments MI-250
- Camera: QSI 583
- Filters: Astrodon 5nm Ha filter
- Exposure: Ha: 360min bin 2x2
- Camera/Mount Control: Maxim DL 5.18, CCD Commander
- Location: Stark Bayou Observatory, Ocean Springs, MS
- Date: Aug 12