Interacting Galaxies NGC 3166 and 3169
About this object
NGC 3169 and NGC 3166 are gravitationally interacting and distorted galaxies in the constellation Sextans. NGC 3169 is the galaxy on the left and is interacting with NGC 3166 on the right. Streams and patches of stars are seen torn away from NGC 3169 above and below the galaxy. A bridge of stars is also faintly evident between the two. These two galaxies lie approx 60 million light years distant. NGC 3169 seems like the more active galaxy with blue star forming regions and reddish areas of hydrogen alpha emisson. Just below NGC 3166 lies the small bluish galaxy NGC 3165 shining at magnitude 14. Just above NGC 3166 is another very faint and distant galaxy. On the full resolution image there is a neat faint and distant unnamed galaxy cluster towards the right side of the image.
NGC 3169 and NGC 3166 are gravitationally interacting and distorted galaxies in the constellation Sextans. NGC 3169 is the galaxy on the left and is interacting with NGC 3166 on the right. Streams and patches of stars are seen torn away from NGC 3169 above and below the galaxy. A bridge of stars is also faintly evident between the two. These two galaxies lie approx 60 million light years distant. NGC 3169 seems like the more active galaxy with blue star forming regions and reddish areas of hydrogen alpha emisson. Just below NGC 3166 lies the small bluish galaxy NGC 3165 shining at magnitude 14. Just above NGC 3166 is another very faint and distant galaxy. On the full resolution image there is a neat faint and distant unnamed galaxy cluster towards the right side of the image.
Image Details
- Optics : 10" Astrograph @ f5
- Mount: Mountain Instruments MI-250
- Camera: QSI 583
- Filters:AstroDon 31mm LRGB filter set
- Exposure: LRGB 510: 160:160:160
- Camera/Mount Control: Maxim DL 4.56, CCD Commander
- Location: Stark Bayou Observatory, Ocean Springs, MS
- Date: Jan-Feb 2010