Cocoon Nebula IC 5146

Megastar Field of View
About this object
The Cocoon Nebula, also know as SH2-125 is associated with the open star cluster IC 5146. The Nebula is bisected by a dark land and streaming off to the west is the dark nebula Barnard 168. The Cocoon is rather faint although the dark nebula B-168 is typically and easier target with Binoculars in a dark sky. The Cocoon nebula includes both emission and reflection components. The Central star of the nebula is thought to be only 100,000 yrs old and is clearing out a cavity within the central portion of the nebula.
Image Details
- Optics : Stellarvue SV115T Triplet Refractor
- Mount: Mountain Instruments MI-250
- Camera: SBIG STL 11K
- Filters: Standard SBIG color filers
- Exposure: LRGB 120:60:60:60 RGB binned 2x2
- Camera/Mount Control: Maxim DL 4.56, CCD Commander
- Location: Stark Bayou Observatory, Ocean Springs, MS
- Date: Jul 09