IC 1287
About this object
IC 1287 is a blue reflection nebula within the Milky Way in the constellation Scutum and is around the mag 5.7 star SAO 161569. It's close to 20 arcmin wide.
Image Details
- Optics : Stellarvue SV105 Raptor Triplet Refractor with a SFF7-21 Field Flattener
- Mount: Mountain Instruments MI-250
- Camera: Starlight Xpress SXV-H9
- Filters: Astronomik Type 2C filter set
- Exposure: RGB 120:120:120
- Camera/Mount Control: Maxim DL 4.56, CCD Commander
- Location: Stark Bayou Observatory, Ocean Springs, MS
- Date: May 09
![Stacks Image 308](files/stacks-image-4ffe43d.gif)