Cygnus to Sagittarius
This image of the Milky Way spanning from the constellation Cygnus to just beyond the Constellation Sagittarius was taken during the Stellarvue Dark Sky Party in Likely Calif in June of 2018. Four separate panels were combined into a mosaic showing nearly the entire visible Milky at the time I took the image. Only the extreme SW part was cropped due to meeting the ground and the NW part due to the image being off center. The famous emission nebula in Cygnus such as the North American Nebula are conspicuous as are the summer favorites in Sagittarius like M8, M13 and M17. The clouds of galactic dust are which are visually hard to see spread out and cover a majority of the field of view. The image is a mosaic combining 4 panels with each panel containing (5) 2min images. Click here for a larger image 1920 pix wide and here for and even larger image. The entire mosaic is around 28 megapixels.
- Optics : Rokinon 35mm f1.4 lens at f4
- Mount: Astrotrac portable pier system
- Camera: Canon 6D modified
- Filters: none
- Exposure: 4 panels each (5)@2min
- Camera/Mount Control: Interval timer
- Guiding: Unguided
- Processing: PixInsight 1.8, PS CC 2018
- Location: Stellarvue DSSP 2018 Likely Calif
- Date: June 2018