Near the core of the Milky Way
About this object
This image was taken at the 2018 Stellarvue Dark Sky Party in Likely Calif during June 2018. It’s the area near the core of the Milky Way. Many popular objects share this area with the bright golden star clouds. M8, the Lagoon Nebula is the larger bright red nebula just below center. M20, the Triffid Nebula is the red and blue object just above M8. Many wisps of dust are also prominent throughout this area. This image combines (18) 2min exposures for a total of 36min using a Canon 6D at ISO 3200 and a Canon Lens at 200mm. Click here for a larger image.
Image Details
- Optics : Canon 70-200 f4 L lens at 200mm f5.6
- Mount: Astrotrac portable pier system
- Camera: Canon 6D modified
- Filters: none
- Exposure: (18) @2min
- Camera/Mount Control: Interval timer
- Guiding: Unguided
- Processing: PixInsight 1.8
- Location: Stellarvue Dark Sky Party, Likely Calif
- Date: June 2018