M 4
Constellation Scorpius, RA 6h 23m 35.22 Dec –26° 31′ 32.7
Globular Cluster M4
About this object
M4 is conspicuous in even the smallest of telescopes as a fuzzy ball of light. It appears about the same size as the Moon in the sky. It is one of the easiest globular clusters to find, being located only 1.3 degrees west of the bright star Antares, with both objects being visible in a wide field telescope. Modestly sized telescopes will begin to resolve individual stars of which the brightest in M4 are of apparent magnitude 10.8.
M4 is conspicuous in even the smallest of telescopes as a fuzzy ball of light. It appears about the same size as the Moon in the sky. It is one of the easiest globular clusters to find, being located only 1.3 degrees west of the bright star Antares, with both objects being visible in a wide field telescope. Modestly sized telescopes will begin to resolve individual stars of which the brightest in M4 are of apparent magnitude 10.8.
Image Details
- Optics : Stellarvue SVS 130 6 element refractor @ f5
- Mount: Paramount MYT
- Camera: QSI 583
- Filters: Astrodon LRGB filter set
- Exposure: LRGB 60:60:60:60
- Camera/Mount Control: The Sky X, CCD Autopilot 5
- Guiding: Unguided using ProTrack
- Processing: PixInsight 1.8
- Location: Texas Star Party, Ft Davis, TX
- Date: May 15