Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy, a collection of images 18-22 Jan 15
Comet Lovejoy images on 18 Jan 15 with a Stellarvue SV60 and Canon 60Da DSLR, 2 panel mosaic
Comet Lovejoy moving past the Plieades. Image Taken with a Canon 60Da DSLR and 35mm Rokinon F1.4 lens
Comet Lovejoy imaged in 20 Jan 15 with a Stellarvue SV130 EDT refractor @f5 and a SBIG STL 11K ccd camera
Comet Lovejoy imaged on 21 Jan 15 with a Stellarvue SV130 EDT refractor @f5 and a SBIG STL 11K ccd camera, 3 panel mosaic
Comet C2014 Q2 Lovejoy