The Rosette Nebula
Constellation Monoceros, RA 06h 33m Dec +04 59

The Rosette Nebula
About this object
The Rosette nebula in the constellation Monoceros is an area of hydrogen emission surrounding a star cluster NGC 2244, located near the center of the nebula.
This image was taken with a 70mm refractor and QSI 583 camera with Astrodon 36mm LRGB filters along with a 36mm Astrodon 5nm Ha filter.
The narrow band data was combined with the LRGB data in PS CC using spectral mapping.
The Rosette nebula in the constellation Monoceros is an area of hydrogen emission surrounding a star cluster NGC 2244, located near the center of the nebula.
This image was taken with a 70mm refractor and QSI 583 camera with Astrodon 36mm LRGB filters along with a 36mm Astrodon 5nm Ha filter.
The narrow band data was combined with the LRGB data in PS CC using spectral mapping.
Image Details
- Optics : Stellarvue SV 70T triplet refractor
- Mount: Paramount MYT
- Camera: QSI 583
- Filters: Astrodon 36mm LRGB+5nm Ha
- Exposure: HaLRGB: 140:100:120:110
- Camera/Mount Control: The Sky X, CCD Auto Pilot 5
- Guiding: Unguided using ProTrack
- Processing: PixInsight 1.8, Photoshop CC
- Location: Stark Bayou Observatory, Ocean Springs, MS
- Date: 28Feb-1Mar 2016