Reflection Nebula IC 1287
Published 7 Dec 24
About this object
Within a rich and dusty Milky Way area in the constellation Scutum is the magnitude 5.7 star HR 6946 (HD170740). HR 6946 is a white main sequence variable double star with a spectral value of B2V. In the area around this star is a bluish cloud which is the reflection nebula IC 1287, also known as VdB 124. The dust passing between us and the star is lit up by the light from this star. IC 1287 is roughly 44x34 arc minutes in size and lies some 680 light years distant. Above and to the left of IC 1287 is the open cluster NGC 6946 which is 5 arc minutes in size and 4,400 light years distant. The surrounding area is also full of reddish/brown dust and dark molecular clouds. Several of these dark molecular clouds are named in the annotated image below along with five tiny planetary nebula, labeled in green, ranging from magnitude 16 to 19. Rich Milky Way star clouds shine brightly in areas where there is little dust. A few very faint PGC galaxies are also present.
This image was taken in early August 2024 from my home bortle 5-6 skies.
Within a rich and dusty Milky Way area in the constellation Scutum is the magnitude 5.7 star HR 6946 (HD170740). HR 6946 is a white main sequence variable double star with a spectral value of B2V. In the area around this star is a bluish cloud which is the reflection nebula IC 1287, also known as VdB 124. The dust passing between us and the star is lit up by the light from this star. IC 1287 is roughly 44x34 arc minutes in size and lies some 680 light years distant. Above and to the left of IC 1287 is the open cluster NGC 6946 which is 5 arc minutes in size and 4,400 light years distant. The surrounding area is also full of reddish/brown dust and dark molecular clouds. Several of these dark molecular clouds are named in the annotated image below along with five tiny planetary nebula, labeled in green, ranging from magnitude 16 to 19. Rich Milky Way star clouds shine brightly in areas where there is little dust. A few very faint PGC galaxies are also present.
This image was taken in early August 2024 from my home bortle 5-6 skies.
Image Details
- Optics : Stellarvue SV80s Carbon Fiber refractor @f6 480mm FL
- Mount: ZWO AM5
- Camera: ZWO ASI2600 MC pro
- Filters: None
- Exposure (min): RGB 290min 4.83 hrs, 1x1 binning
- Automation Control: ASI Air
- Guiding: ASI 120mm mini
- Processing Software: PixInsight,
- Location: Stark Bayou Observatory, Ocean Springs, MS
- Sky: Typical SQM 19.6-20.1, Bortle 5, Suburban
- Date: 2-6 August 2024